My little guy turned two yesterday. I can't believe that just two short years ago he came into our lives (yes, I know there were 40 weeks before that where he was "in" our life, but you know what I mean). I have a hard time remembering life before he came around.
He is very much a toddler these days. He likes to choose what shirt he wears and tries to stall bed time by saying he's hungry. He can do the motions to a few songs and likes to listen to them over and over again. He's got quite a sense of humor and knows what is funny. He can give puppy and lion kisses. He can say sentences like "There's mommy's car!" which we understand! But he also says things like "I want the sunbutter on my crackers" which we don't understand and only figure out by asking questions until he nods with a nod that says "uh, yeah, what took you so long to understand me?" Then he says lots of words which I will bore you with but I want to document for my records until I write them down somewhere I won't loose them: Mommy, Daddy, crash (for truck), uh-oh, na-na (all done), nay-nay (Aunt Kaitlin), mak (for milk and Uncle Mark), Mimi, Opapa, Granny, Papa, Aunt Glocky (why he can't say Aunt for Kaitlin we have no idea), Nana (his friend Savannah), Anie (Lanie), bar (bear), zoom (plane), ball, cup, eat, more, please, dit-doo (thank you), tutle (turtle), paint, read, draw, car, where is?, what is that?, me, Knock (Knox), oo-ee (monkey), puppies, t.v., music, roll, chip, hot, cold, no, ooohhhhh, wow, side (slide), ice (outside), ish (shoe or fish), asi (raisin), ech (peach), ay-oh (play dough), up... and others. Quite a few are a bunch of nonsense letters strung together, but we understand what they mean because he's consistent in using them. He likes to flip the syllables around, but apparently that's not too weird and he should get past that. He signs some still as well. He's even made up a sign or two. Funny kid.
It's fun to see him learn more things every day. When he opened his birthday presents he was full of "wows" and "ooohhhhs." He loves to read books and will hand you one and say "read!" I think that comes from me reading to him from very, very early on. He's such an easy going kid which I think is going to be to all of our advantages! He still naps well and sleeps well. He hasn't tried to climb out of his crib which I'm very thankful for. Maybe by the end of the summer we'll put him in the toddler bed version of his crib, but for now I'm just going to let him be where he is since he's happy with it. No point changing what's not broken.
He also likes to cook. He insists on helping me cook and bake. He likes to pretend to cook as well. He has an oven and lots of pots and pans to play with. He knows to use a pot holder and to add seasonings. One of his friends got a kitchen for Christmas and he was so excited to play with it when we went over to her house. He was microwaving things, pressing the buttons, etc. It was so funny. He also loves balls. He can dribble a ball and throw one as well. He likes to mow the lawn with his lawn mower. He loves bubbles. He likes drawing (on anything...sigh) and painting. He likes using rubber stamps too. He loves playing with the water hose and trying to drink the bathwater. He wakes up every day saying "Mommy!?!" He likes to jump and play the piano. He love airplanes and his Cozy Coupe. He loves being outside.
He can take off his clothes now. That was a fun after nap time clean up about a week ago. I had no idea he could take off jeans and a long sleeve tee and his diaper. lol. It was sooooo funny.
He's a pretty neat kid and I love spending time with him. I know he's a good kid, but it's also comforting to hear from the people in the nursery that they love taking care of him because he is so easy going. He was over tired one day during MOPS and had a big melt down and the nursery workers called me and they were so confused. They had no idea what was wrong and you could tell they were worried. Turns out he was just really tired from all the fun and was hungry too and just lost it. That was the only time in 2 years I've had to get him. I'm so thankful for an easy kid, but it makes me a little fearful of having another one some day!
Okay that's enough bragging about my baby - for now at least.
He is very much a toddler these days. He likes to choose what shirt he wears and tries to stall bed time by saying he's hungry. He can do the motions to a few songs and likes to listen to them over and over again. He's got quite a sense of humor and knows what is funny. He can give puppy and lion kisses. He can say sentences like "There's mommy's car!" which we understand! But he also says things like "I want the sunbutter on my crackers" which we don't understand and only figure out by asking questions until he nods with a nod that says "uh, yeah, what took you so long to understand me?" Then he says lots of words which I will bore you with but I want to document for my records until I write them down somewhere I won't loose them: Mommy, Daddy, crash (for truck), uh-oh, na-na (all done), nay-nay (Aunt Kaitlin), mak (for milk and Uncle Mark), Mimi, Opapa, Granny, Papa, Aunt Glocky (why he can't say Aunt for Kaitlin we have no idea), Nana (his friend Savannah), Anie (Lanie), bar (bear), zoom (plane), ball, cup, eat, more, please, dit-doo (thank you), tutle (turtle), paint, read, draw, car, where is?, what is that?, me, Knock (Knox), oo-ee (monkey), puppies, t.v., music, roll, chip, hot, cold, no, ooohhhhh, wow, side (slide), ice (outside), ish (shoe or fish), asi (raisin), ech (peach), ay-oh (play dough), up... and others. Quite a few are a bunch of nonsense letters strung together, but we understand what they mean because he's consistent in using them. He likes to flip the syllables around, but apparently that's not too weird and he should get past that. He signs some still as well. He's even made up a sign or two. Funny kid.
It's fun to see him learn more things every day. When he opened his birthday presents he was full of "wows" and "ooohhhhs." He loves to read books and will hand you one and say "read!" I think that comes from me reading to him from very, very early on. He's such an easy going kid which I think is going to be to all of our advantages! He still naps well and sleeps well. He hasn't tried to climb out of his crib which I'm very thankful for. Maybe by the end of the summer we'll put him in the toddler bed version of his crib, but for now I'm just going to let him be where he is since he's happy with it. No point changing what's not broken.
He also likes to cook. He insists on helping me cook and bake. He likes to pretend to cook as well. He has an oven and lots of pots and pans to play with. He knows to use a pot holder and to add seasonings. One of his friends got a kitchen for Christmas and he was so excited to play with it when we went over to her house. He was microwaving things, pressing the buttons, etc. It was so funny. He also loves balls. He can dribble a ball and throw one as well. He likes to mow the lawn with his lawn mower. He loves bubbles. He likes drawing (on anything...sigh) and painting. He likes using rubber stamps too. He loves playing with the water hose and trying to drink the bathwater. He wakes up every day saying "Mommy!?!" He likes to jump and play the piano. He love airplanes and his Cozy Coupe. He loves being outside.
He can take off his clothes now. That was a fun after nap time clean up about a week ago. I had no idea he could take off jeans and a long sleeve tee and his diaper. lol. It was sooooo funny.
He's a pretty neat kid and I love spending time with him. I know he's a good kid, but it's also comforting to hear from the people in the nursery that they love taking care of him because he is so easy going. He was over tired one day during MOPS and had a big melt down and the nursery workers called me and they were so confused. They had no idea what was wrong and you could tell they were worried. Turns out he was just really tired from all the fun and was hungry too and just lost it. That was the only time in 2 years I've had to get him. I'm so thankful for an easy kid, but it makes me a little fearful of having another one some day!
Okay that's enough bragging about my baby - for now at least.