Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bony Butt

This little one must have a very bony butt because she's constantly shoving it up into my lungs! I never had actual pain from when I was pregnant with #1 and his womb antics so this is totally a new thing. I think its her head because I was told at my last appointment that it felt like she was head down and I totally believed that because #2's little knee was the object stabbing me in the side. Well, she must have turned her body inward and her hiney outward and is now using that little bony hiney to torture me. The other day in church during the sermon she stabbed me and I literally jumped. I hope this is not a sign of things to come of torturing poor mommy her whole life. I really hope she decides to turn around again. Her knee was much easier to deal with then her hiney. The only thing that's worked thus far is stretching my torso when she does it and using my hand to push against her backside when she starts ramming it upward.

~ Kristina

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