Tuesday, May 25, 2010


A friend on this side of the ocean posted on her FB account:
I didn't expect people here to remember it was my birthday. But 7 sweet friends and their 11 kids surprised me this morning. Then my WONDERFUL small group girls walked to my house on their lunch break to surprise me. A sweet dinner with my family. And then a wall full of messages here. I have felt so celebrated today. It means more to me than you know. Thank you! =)
I wonder if someone will tell her that the only way I knew, and probably the only way most people knew, was because FB tells you whose birthday it is. Heh.

Finally, after being here for like 7 months I finally got blogger to speak in English! It's been speaking in German since we got here. I wish the signs and the people here would magically speak English or that I would magically be able to understand them.

It's supposed to rain again tomorrow. And on and off, mostly on, for the next handful of days. Sigh.

I wish I had more interesting posts. I guess its good that no one reads these. I'm sure I'll find some funny things, but being pregnant right now just makes me dull.

But on the other hand, I'm so excited about this baby! I can't wait to go maternity clothes shopping with my mom once I get back to the states. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my friends as well.

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