Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This pregnancy is kicking my butt. I didn't feel this way with number one. I actually taught elementary school, got up at 6:30 every morning, managed to get dressed, and get through the day without feeling the need to lie down until my 8th month. I only felt like throwing up twice during the school day and smells never made me want to throw up. I never stood in the grocery store contemplating if I did have to throw up, did I leave #1 in the cart and run for it, take the cart with me or grab #1 and run. Obviously I would have chosen option 3, but I did think through the options. I've never felt nauseous for a whole day or wanted to do nothing but lie on the couch. Of course there is nothing wrong with lying on the couch, but I have things to do people! Two out of the three grocery stores in town make me ill. The only one that doesn't is the more "American" style market. Thinking about German food or cooking food in a crock pot makes me sick. Weird, yes I know. However, thinking about a Chick Fil A sandwich sounds tasty. Go figure. But if I don't eat, I feel worse. At least they carry saltine like crackers in this country.. Hopefully by then I won't want to throw up all of the time. I read that week 9, which I'm in, is the worst for feeling lousy. Unfortunately I just entered week 9 so I still have a couple more days left. I'm hoping that week 10 is better, and if not, at least the first trimester will be over in only a few more weeks.

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