Tuesday, May 25, 2010


A friend on this side of the ocean posted on her FB account:
I didn't expect people here to remember it was my birthday. But 7 sweet friends and their 11 kids surprised me this morning. Then my WONDERFUL small group girls walked to my house on their lunch break to surprise me. A sweet dinner with my family. And then a wall full of messages here. I have felt so celebrated today. It means more to me than you know. Thank you! =)
I wonder if someone will tell her that the only way I knew, and probably the only way most people knew, was because FB tells you whose birthday it is. Heh.

Finally, after being here for like 7 months I finally got blogger to speak in English! It's been speaking in German since we got here. I wish the signs and the people here would magically speak English or that I would magically be able to understand them.

It's supposed to rain again tomorrow. And on and off, mostly on, for the next handful of days. Sigh.

I wish I had more interesting posts. I guess its good that no one reads these. I'm sure I'll find some funny things, but being pregnant right now just makes me dull.

But on the other hand, I'm so excited about this baby! I can't wait to go maternity clothes shopping with my mom once I get back to the states. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my friends as well.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Loosing My Mind

I think I've hit that part of pregnancy where one looses ones mind. I went to log into something today for the millionth time and I could NOT remember the job number. AGH. I had to email the rep to help me. I did preface it with, I'm pregnant and not this flaky, which he knows. Well, he knows I'm not flaky and now he knows I'm pregnant. That should have been my tip off that this was going to be a loose my mind and have to get snitty with people today day.
First person to smack - Well, I had a story but figured I should edit it. Lets just say it was a doozy.
Next, #1 decided to be in freak out mode all evening. I finally got him settled down, but usually he's running around because apparently he's too ADD to focus on a meal if there are other people watching him.
Now I have a headache.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Baby Names

#1 has suggested names for the baby. Amusing when #1 is only three years old himself.
Mel-mo (Elmo) or Sippy. So DH and I decided (kidding of course) that if its a boy it'll be Mel-mo Sippy and if its a girl, Sippy Mel-mo. Oh, and the most recent suggestion was water bottle. #1 has a blue water bottle that he's quite attached to and I think out of his love for it, decided that it'd be a super name for a baby.
I've taken to writing down all the unique names I hear these days. #1's name is a bit unusual, not weird or bizarre, just you don't hear it very often. And that is what we liked about his name. Strong, manly yet cute for a little guy and he would probably be the only one he'd ever run into. Well, there was that time on the playground when we did run into another little boy about a year or so older who shared his name, but outside of that incident he probably won't ever sit next to another one or annoyingly day after day have someone say "here" when they're not the first xyz in the alphabet, you are. Can you tell I have some issues from having a common name myself? There was this girl in high school, I went to a very small school, who had the same name, different spelling and she was AFTER me in the alphabet according to last names. I cannot tell you how many times she said "here" when the teacher was calling me instead. Sigh. Some people are just dumb errr dense? I guess she's not dumb since apparently she's a doctor now, but maybe dense is a better word for her.
So back to baby names. What do you do if it's another boy? How do you find another unique yet not bizarre name to match this first ones. I mean, I can't name this kid John, not that there is anything wrong with that name, it's just too plain Jane in comparison. If it's a girl, it'll be easier because I already have a unique name in my head that even if someone has a similar name, they won't have it spelled the same way.
The dinner van is coming soon. I don't know if I can stomach mac & cheese tonight and then German food tomorrow. All I have wanted for the past x number of weeks has been American food. Chick Fil A, bagels, Kraft mac & cheese, a turkey sandwich from Jason's Deli...yummm. 28 days, I think, and counting till we touch down back in the good ol' US of A!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This pregnancy is kicking my butt. I didn't feel this way with number one. I actually taught elementary school, got up at 6:30 every morning, managed to get dressed, and get through the day without feeling the need to lie down until my 8th month. I only felt like throwing up twice during the school day and smells never made me want to throw up. I never stood in the grocery store contemplating if I did have to throw up, did I leave #1 in the cart and run for it, take the cart with me or grab #1 and run. Obviously I would have chosen option 3, but I did think through the options. I've never felt nauseous for a whole day or wanted to do nothing but lie on the couch. Of course there is nothing wrong with lying on the couch, but I have things to do people! Two out of the three grocery stores in town make me ill. The only one that doesn't is the more "American" style market. Thinking about German food or cooking food in a crock pot makes me sick. Weird, yes I know. However, thinking about a Chick Fil A sandwich sounds tasty. Go figure. But if I don't eat, I feel worse. At least they carry saltine like crackers in this country.. Hopefully by then I won't want to throw up all of the time. I read that week 9, which I'm in, is the worst for feeling lousy. Unfortunately I just entered week 9 so I still have a couple more days left. I'm hoping that week 10 is better, and if not, at least the first trimester will be over in only a few more weeks.