Tuesday, December 21, 2010


A friend of mine posted this link to homemade granola. I had some at her house recently and it was quite tasty. I modified the recipe a bit to fit what I had and to make it a bit healthier. Here is the link and my edits.

First off, I halved the recipe, which worked just fine. 8 c of oats plus all those other ingredients is quite a lot on a dry run of a recipe. I also did not have wheat germ or oat bran because I forgot to write them down when I went to the grocery store today. I used almond extract instead of vanilla and only added almonds because, again, I did not have the other nuts. I like my cereals more simple than complex so I think I would have stuck with one nut kind anyhow. Instead of the oil, I used an equal amount of apple sauce. Other than those edits, I followed the recipe. It turned out quite tasty. I baked it for about 5 min longer than the recipe requires because it was still quite soft when I took it out of the oven. It did continue to dry and harden as it cooled though, so this extra 5 minutes may have not been needed. I also just used a non-stick pan instead of lining it with foil. I've found that lining things with foil sometimes causes them to stick even more, so I just rubbed butter on the bottom of the pan and everything came up without any fuss.

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