Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hair Cuts - Boys!

I really hate paying for hair cuts. Yes, I know its one of those necessary things that have to happen throughout the year, but to get a decent hair cut can be expensive!

My husband goes to a barber which is fine with me because he has to work with people so he needs to look good.

My son, well, I really hate paying $12 every three months or so for his hair cuts. His hair grows very quickly. The good thing is that if we take 4 or 5 months to get it cut, he just looks shaggy. Any longer than that and I think he'd start looking like a girl! I really don't like long hair on my guys. I decided after watching him get his hair cut that I could do it. I mean, how complicated could it be? I got some good, sharp scissors (honeybee craft scissors from Michaels to be exact) from my craft box (don't use regular scissors, you really need small, sharp ones), sat him on a chair in a dry bathtub, grabbed a towel and a spray bottle and got to work. There are quite a few videos on You Tube if you don't know where to begin. I found that because he's only 3, he has a hard time holding his head in the right position. So to remedy that, I sat on the side of the bathtub with my feet in the tub and had him rest his head on my knees depending upon where I was cutting. The first cut took a VERY LONG TIME. I'm not beyond bribery in certain situations and promised him candy or a video if he stuck it out and was patient. That worked for him. Going slowly and methodically around the head worked the best. I recommend finishing up with clippers or the like if your child will stand for it. I also recommend doing it outside! It was quite a mess to sweep up the bathtub.

The second time I cut his hair, which happened to be the other day, it was quite cold outside and I didn't want to spray down his hair when it was in the 40s. So I sat us both down on his kid sized chairs, spread newspaper on the floor and proceeded in much the same fashion as the first time. This time it went a whole lot quicker since I knew the proper length for the back and sides was one finger and the top was two fingers. I'm still learning how to blend the top and sides and do a better job around his ears and sideburns, but this cut took probably half the time and required no bribery.

Parents Magazine had an article on cutting hair in a recent issue.

Some of the methods suggested for the boy's cut like pining the hair back didn't work for me cause my son has very short hair, but I suppose for a kid who likes it longer it would work okay. But it does give you a good framework for cutting their hair.

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